We’ve all been touched or inspired by someone or something in our lives. At The Rich Existence, we want to share those inspiring stories with the world. Whether it was words of advice from a grandmother, or a total stranger reaching out when you were in need, or visiting an awe inspiring place; we want to hear your thoughts on how these things have made, or helped to make, your existence richer. So share with us a paragraph or more about you and your story.
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Chad and Erin
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Having a chronic illness, sometimes it's hard to recognize the richness in my life. That's when it's important to notice the small things that make up the goodness. When I've been really sick or had to be hospitalized, my family has been right there for me. The time the stands out in my mind more than anything was when I was in the ICU relying on a ventilator to breathe. My parents and husband took turns staying in my room each night. They were ever present and praying for me. Each time I think about that time, I can hardly hold back my emotions because I realize how blessed I am to have people who care so much about me and are there when I need them.
When my husband and I had our first two children, we were, like many young couples, pinching pennies. One particular month we didn't know how we would pay all of the bills, put gas in our car, and still have enough to buy food for our family.
One night we were filling our little Kia up with gas. Chad was putting the gas in the car and I was waiting in the car with the kids. A rugged looking man in his early twenties was walking down the street. He came walking towards Chad. I thought for sure he was going to ask Chad for money or for a ride somewhere. Chad and the man talked for a few minutes while Chad finished filling the car with gas.
When Chad got back in the car he handed me a twenty dollar bill.
"What is this?" I asked.
Chad told me the man had said
"You look like you need this. Go buy you and your family some food."
This man looked as though he had much less than we did. Yet he was still willing to give to help us. I am grateful for this man, not only for the food he provided us with, but also the lesson that he taught me. We all need charity no matter what we look like. And we can all give charity in someway no matter how down we are in our own lives.
Some thirty eight years ago I lived on our family farm. The place behind where my home now is was a beautiful hillside pasture. We had to irrigate often to keep it green. One really hot summer day I was sitting on the edge of the ditchbank with my dad, I remember the sound of the cool water running down the hill and the smell of the wet grass. Dad had his arm on my shoulder when he said something that has stayed with me all my life.
He said "I love you son but you won't know what its like til you have a one of your own". I have thought about that so many times in my life as I grew up got married and had children of my own. I started to know a little about what he meant. My dad passed away when I was twenty four and I always felt so cheated that I didn't get to have more time with him, to go to him when I needed him or just hang out like we did when I was a kid. Being one of the youngest I didn't get to do some of the things the older kids did. Dad was really big on sports, he coached my older brothers baseball teams and was a dad to a whole generation of little leaguers in Lehi Utah, the town where we grew up. Those same little league kids are all grown up now with grandkids of there own. To this day and for many years those kids have come up to me and said "your Chub's kid, (that was my dad's nickname) I loved your dad he was my coach. A few weeks ago I sat in church and looked over at a man who was a Bishop, a dad, a grandpa and one of my dads baseball kids. Strangely as I looked over at him I saw a little kid in a red baseball cap crouched over leaning forward looking out onto a ballfield, I saw the love and influence that my dad had on those kids, I saw how it changed their lives. I wasn't cheated at all, the Lord somehow knew that my dad wouldn't be around for me when I got older so He put these kids, these men, here to guide and help me, to let me know that my dad does still care about me even when he can't be with me.
In a greater sense I see, that the Lord is saying "I love You son, but you won't know what its like til you have one of your own".
In doing so He gave us our lives our families and a small glimpse of His great love for us.
A rich existence comes to those who give without thought. Who look to bless, not to be blessed. Those that bless someone, bless so many people in there lives without knowing it. When one helps another, those that see this act of kindness ,feel the love shared as much as the intended recipient of the act. The feeling that you get in the pit of your stomach when you help another person is a blessing to the giver. When you help someone at school after they have drop there binder on the floor, when you decide to be a friend, when you decide to go and act rather than watch from the side. You maybe be blessing these other people but in reality you are blessed just as much as them. The joy you feel when you give without expecting anything in return gives makes any service worth while hundred times over. The love shown when you help others, the love developed when one is treated kindly, and the love created in all when blessings are given is the true meaning of a Rich Existence.
Houston, TX
Somthing that has really made a difference in my life is cross crounty. The first time I decided that to try it wasn't really my decision it was my mothers, but I had shown intrest in running. So with alot of hesitation, I wasn't that great at sprots even though i played them all the time, I showed up for the school try outs. I was sure to be the slowest girl there and what was i thinking i couldnt make this team! But i did it and what do u know, there aren't enough people who like running so there was no way i wouldn't make the team. I found that I actually LOVED cross country!Soon even though I wasn't the best to start with, and I certantly will never be the best in the world I still steadily got better and, I really got so much satisfaction from running I felt that I was really good at somthing that my friends seemed to hate. I still don't get how they couldn't like running and, I've kept doing cross country for three years and, am still running. That year back in 7th grade I tried out for every sport the school had to offer and, can you geuss how many teams I got on... two, cross country and, then later on track, but I didn't mater I found, thanks to my mom, somthing that I would enjoy and could do my whole life. Today the best part of school and, my favorite activity is running it makes my life better and, its awesome cuz u find all these people that like what you do, and you make alot of friends.The start of a new cross country season and I'm so excited it makes going to a new school so much eaiser, I have friends before the semester even starts, and later today I'm looking forward to cc practice it will forever be a wonderful part of my life.
hey it is garrett um what really made my life worth it it is my friends. also there is this girl that thinks she doesn't deserve me but i told her that i care about her and she realizes that she does deserve me and we should both like each other. my life is also awesome because whenever i am down i always have someone to talk to no mater what it is my friends are always there and help
I’ve had some amazing examples in my life. I wish I could name them all, because each person has helped shape my life. Whether it was a good or bad example, I learned from these people what I should or shouldn’t do in my life to help make the road a little easier.
My mom and dad have to be some of the best examples to me. They would argue that they aren’t the best examples, but that’s not true. They lived and made mistakes, but they also made great choices too. They always had a desire to do better and improve their lives and I saw this desire and it helped me to want to do the same. I believe they had this desire because they wanted to be happy and help others, especially their children, be happy.
I believe Mom and Dad were successful. I love life and I want to live a long time, with a desire that I can become better and better. I’m happy and I believe in myself. I’m not always content, but I am always happy to be alive. I know this because I constantly have that hope to live and experience things.
After my parents divorced, Mom had to go to work. She could have sold the house and let our worlds’ fall apart, but she didn’t. She worked. Eventually, she remembered that she was good at doing things, at being creative. As her confidence grew, so did her desire to be different and stand out and excel.
Mom worked for Lehi Junior High School, for several years after the divorce, making very little. But, she did a great job and made her job fun and helped enrich a lot of students’ lives by giving them opportunities to be seen and be involved in good activities. When Mom started realizing that she was successful at her job, her confidence grew and it gave her the “guts,” so to speak, to spread her wings and try new things.
Mom always had impressive experiences with work. People enjoy her personality and work ethic. She’s been able to have some amazing jobs that most people don’t get without a degree. This has inspired me without question.
Dad always works hard. He did Drywall for a very long time and, though it wasn’t his dream, he did an amazing job. People would seek out Dad’s work because of his ability to tape, texture, hide seams, etc…
Several years ago, Dad was looking for land to build himself a home in Park City, Utah. The fact that Dad was looking for that particular property meant that he was doing very well at work. He had a lot of nice toys, like a boat, motorcycles, a nice truck, and more. We would go skiing and do a lot of fun activities with Dad. It was around this time that Dad broke his neck.
While riding mountain bikes with my younger brother and sister, he rode off a cement platform in the park, didn’t pull up hard enough, and flew over the handle bars breaking his neck. It was a very tough experience for all of us and left Dad paralyzed from the chest down and in a wheelchair.
From the time of his accident, Dad was determined not to give up, and still had the desire to experience life and be there for his children. He went back to school and was able to get his Master’s in Public Administration. Dad even stayed in school to get his law degree from the University of Utah and passed the Bar Exam in San Diego, where he now lives independent of full time nurses or help. Dad’s example has been huge for me.
I’ve been fortunate to be able to witness such greatness in my life. Now, I get to experience greatness with my beautiful wife, Erin. She is such an amazing example to me and I’m glad to be with her. She helps me much more than she knows.
I know Heavenly Father loves me because he’s given me opportunities to observe the world around me and choose what I will to be my example for the better. My life is rich because of my family and because of people around me that influence me every day. I know that every example can be a good example by the way I choose to let it affect me. Thank you everyone who has been a part of my life. Each one of you has helped shape me into who I am by your love and examples.
Recently I have been asked to share my feelings about my grandma to be put into a book of remembrance for her. She was recently diagnosed with cancer and the family is coming together to share our great memories of her.
Many would think this would be an easy task to think of something nice to say about your grandma, but I was silenced. I didn't know what to say or what good memories I have of her that haven't been over powered by my own grudges.
It has really made me dig down deep of what I could say since I feel awful to let her leave this life thinking I didn't appreciate her. She is my grandma after all.
I thought of the time I was in the hospital for a week and my parents were unable to stay with me the whole time. (having 6 other kids to take care of) I remember my grandma coming to visit and taking care of me. She gave me a sponge bath, which I am completely embarrassed about now, but at the time was so grateful that she cared enough to make me not stink. =o) She took time out of her days to be with me. To be my grandma and take care of me. For that small act, I am very grateful for her.
Thinking about this has brought of many more great memories of my grandma and has made me feel some weight lifted off.
I'm glad I was able to surface the good memories of my grandma that I had been hiding. I'm realizing how it's the small things in life that make a big difference and make my life richer.
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